Who We Are

In our society, athletes play a prominent role. What athletes do, say,
and believe has an impact on what people do, say, and believe.
Most of us have seen the headlines when a famous athletes makes
a mistake. Or maybe we’ve seen a famous athlete promote a line
of clothing or some type of product. There are even athletes who
venture into the political arena. These are just some of the ways
athletes influence our society and our children. As we know, though,
not every influence is a positive one. BUT what if there was a
way to reach these athletes and, in turn, have them reach
out and influence our society for Jesus Christ?

There IS a way, and that way is through the ministry of Play by FAITH.

Play by FAITH ministries is an athletic ministry that was founded by
former Penn State football player, Joe Rose (pictured below right), and his wife, Ginger. As a former collegiate and post-collegiate athlete, Joe hasseen the impact athletes can have on others. As a high school
math teacher, Ginger has a heart for reaching young people.
Together, they are committed to reaching the lost for Jesus Christ.


What We Do

We work with high school and college athletes in an effort to lead them
to Christ, train them to be His disciples, and teach them to use
their athletic platform to speak publicly about their faith.

 While some people are never challenged to do their best, an elite athlete accepts nothing less. Some people never know what it’s like to deny trivial things and commit themselves totally to a goal. These athletes do. We strive to instill a far greater commitment and a far higher goal. That goal is to be totally committed to the greatest person who ever lived…Jesus Christ, our Lord.

ON CAMPUS, we offer pre-game chapel services, small group Bible studies, and one-on-one discipleship to students and student- athletes.

 IN THE COMMUNITY, Play by Faith provides its student-athletes
and students with the following ministry opportunities:

speaking engagements, summer camps, community outreaches,
volunteer work with Ronald McDonald House Charities and
the Children’s Miracle Network, short-term mission trips, and more . . .

 These are just a few of the ways that

WE ARE . . . helping others walk, live, and